NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness

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  • Course Overview
  • Entry Requirements
  • Course Fees

Course Overview

What does the qualification cover?

This qualification is designed to provide learners with an introduction to the principles of climate change and environmental awareness. It will ensure learners understand the nature of climate change and the role they can play in helping to reduce carbon emissions. Through achieving the qualification, learners will gain the knowledge and understanding to act as drivers of positive change within the workplace and at home.

The qualification aims to:

  • focus on the study of environmental awareness and carbon footprint reduction associated with a wide range of workplaces and linked to the lifestyles of individuals
  • offer breadth and depth of study, incorporating a key core of knowledge that is relevant, and can be applied, across a variety of sectors


How is the qualification structured? To be awarded the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness, you are required to successfully complete the mandatory units:

  • Understand climate change, sustainability and environmental protection
  • Understand industry and the environment
  • Understand resource efficiency and waste management


How is it assessed?

To achieve the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness, you must successfully demonstrate your achievement of all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the units. This is achieved by completing assessments provided in the learning resources. NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness is internally assessed.

Course Summary

Length of study:
Duration: 16 WEEKS


Study campus:

Study option(s):

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Fees and funding

If you are aged 16-18 and applying for a full-time programme, then you will not have to pay for your course. If you are aged 19+ then there may be a fee for your course.